Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Hunting

Yesterday was one of those fall days that shine above all the other fall days.  It was sunny and warm but there was still that nip in the air that reminds you to appreciate this because this sunshine is going to be snapped out of your pretty little hands at any moment.  It was the perfect day for baking cookies, roasting squash and pumpkin for soup, and for visiting the pumpkin patch.  You know, fall-y things.

Jenny and Chloe met us at our house and after 10 minutes of wrangling little girls, moving car seats and running back into the house "one more time" to grab a forgotten item, we were off to the Pumpkin Patch (which isn't actually a pumpkin patch, but it still makes for some great photo ops.)

The pumpkin pickings were rather slim since I was a total slacker and didn't get my act together until the day before Halloween to get us there.  I was rather surprised though at how many other slackers were out there, they made me feel way less guilty.  Hey, misery likes company, and procrastinators like company justifies our slacker-ness.

Getting two Littles to pose for a picture together is nearly impossible...

...but once in awhile you score big with a kid-hug.

We let the girls roam for awhile and pick up and set down (um, drop) every single pumpkin in the "patch."

We headed back to my house after, ate some pizza, drank some wine and let the girls play.  This was the perfect way to round out our long weekend.  Oh, life is good when you have good people by your side!

Happy Halloween out there!


  1. Such sweet pictures! Happy halloween (a day late!)

  2. Your little girls are pretty , God Bless!....and the pumpkin patch ain't bad either!


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